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The Cost-Effectiveness of Helical Piers When Underpinning a Foundation

by Luke Rodriquez

Helical piles or helical piers are slim, deep-foundation underpinnings consisting of steel shafts, with screw-like helical flights. They combine the end-bearings on their helix plates and skin friction load-bearing capabilities.

Their cost-saving advantages are conspicuous as early as the bidding phase. For example, with sufficient soil information, building contractors can provide lump-sum bids, despite the length of the helical foundation. More straightforward and safe installation methods of helical piles allow for accurate and competitive bids. Read on to learn why helical piles are incredibly cost-effective and advantageous for most projects.

Reduced Mobilisation Costs

While traditional piles require specific installation tools, helical piers can be quickly deployed using simple equipment, such as mini-excavators. That allows contractors to respond and move quite efficiently on job sites. Besides, that helps project owners to save more on the equipment-related costs throughout the process. 

Increased Productivity

On average, one labourer and an operator can install between thirty and forty helical piers in a day, depending on the project's scope. That means that, at a 6-10rpm installation rate, a helical pier requires half a minute to travel one foot into the ground or five minutes to reach ten feet deep. Minimal labour costs, therefore, means increased productivity as well as a cost-effective installation procedure. 

Allows for Adverse Weather Installation

Helical piers utilise more manoeuvrable installation equipment and smaller crews compared to other foundation methods. As such, the installation process can withstand harsh weather and terrain conditions. Contractors can even conduct installations in subzero temperatures without negatively impacting productivity. Furthermore, light-weight equipment minimises the clean-up cost and environmental impact.

Offers Excellent Precision

Accuracy is vital when repairing any structural foundations. Helical piers will often provide more when aiming at maximum accuracy of structural repairs. During installation, handheld tools allow contractors to determine the amount of torque and resistance required. Their extra precision characteristic allows for excellent results all the time. As a result, contractors save more time when working on a project and have to redo their work less often.

Final Thoughts 

As discussed above, there are plenty of advantages to using helical or spiral piers for in-depth foundation solutions. Helical piles may seem inappropriate for contractors working on a tight budget due to their initial material cost. However, their cost-saving benefits down the line outweigh their acquisition costs. That's especially true for less-than-perfect ground projects or when conducting the work in volatile weather conditions that are more erratic.
