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Why Steel Lends Itself To Fabrication In Many Different Industries

by Luke Rodriquez

Steel fabrication could well be seen as the backbone of the construction industry, as well as an instrumental element in hospitality, transportation and even technology. So what makes this simple alloy so useful in so many different applications? To understand this, you have to look at what steel is and the properties that the combination of iron and carbon generate when mixed together. Only then can you appreciate just how ingenious a material steel is and why it has been used for hundreds of years with little change to a stable formula.

Easy To Mould But Hard To Break

You will often hear steel described as being exceptionally strong, and for a long time even Superman was referred to as 'the man of steel'. However, this branding almost does steel a disservice because the important factor about steel is not just that it is strong but that it is quite easy to mould into a variety of different shapes. This can be seen in the many fascinating and intricately designed buildings around the world that seem to have impossible corners, twists and turns. It is one of the strongest alloys that you can still readily shape to your will, which makes it ideal for construction but also for intricate tools and manufacturing equipment. 


Steel maintains its excellent material properties even after decades of use, to the point where, if a building is torn down, the steel is often recycled because it is still so useful. In fact, steel is 'the worlds most recycled material' with current estimates saying that 86% of steel is recycled. This should provide great comfort to those that are considering steel fabrication, as it indicates that the steel will likely outlast whatever purpose it is being used for. You can also save a lot of money on steel by using recycled steel, and if that is an option for your project, you should take it!

Customisable To Your Specific Purposes

Because of how widely available steel is, many manufacturing plants can customise your steel order to enhance the properties that would be most beneficial to your project. You may not realise this, but there are dozens of popular variants of steel, including carbon steel, tungsten steel, nickel steel and even silicon steel. Some of these added elements make the steel lighter while others might make the steel more fire-resistant. The possibilities are endless when it comes to steel fabrication, so if you were thinking about a project that has unique requirements, then you cannot go past steel.

Talk to a company that does steel fabrication to learn more.  
